Electrical Contractors – In The News
Northwest Missouri State Locker Room Facility
Northwest Missouri State was looking for a new locker room facility for its football program that would help improve the team’s performance and show out team pride. RS Electric provided electrical, lighting [...]
2020 Readers’ Choice Award
Now In Our Fourth Decade Of Serving Area Businesses. [...]
Kansas City, MO Blue River Biosolids Facility Improvement
Kansas City, MO Blue River Biosolids Facility Improvement Project is the largest project ever undertaken by the Kansas City Water Department. This new $150 million facility will be better for the environment [...]
Tomahawk Creek Wastewater Treatment Facility
Tomahawk Creek Wastewater Facility $270 million expansion is the largest project ever undertaken by Johnson County and is expected to improve water quality while providing cost-effective long-term treatment [...]
Emergency Response
R/S Electric - 24/7 emergency response to a crisis situation orchestrating an overnight mobilization for round the clock repairs to restore normal operations to a flooded American Water Co. treatment plant as [...]
Kansas City Chapter of the ASA Honors RS Electric Corp
Every year, the Kansas City Chapter of the American Subcontractors Association honors the area’s Subcontractor of the Year. For 2016, 1,500 companies applied for the top honor. RS Electric was selected as on [...]
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